Markku Kankaala, Chair of the Board, Summa Defence:
“The merger of Summa and Meriaura Group is an impressive indication of the positive power of entrepreneurship. Dozens of subsidiary owners and investors acting as entrepreneurs are involved. Summa Defence Plc will be a real consortium of entrepreneurs and will have a positive impact on the industry and Finnish security.”
Jussi Holopainen, CEO, Summa Defence:
“Finland’s and Europe’s overall security calls for strong operators and cooperation. With the arrangement, Summa Defence will become the first defence and security technology company to be dual-listed on the Helsinki and Stockholm stock exchanges. Summa Defence brings together security companies and secures resources for product development and growth in a field that is growing and developing strongly and globally. Summa Defence combines strong defence and traditional industry expertise with solutions enabled by new technologies. We actively promote the use of new innovative products and practices, such as artificial intelligence. We operate to high quality standards, but we also operate flexibly and encourage a culture of experimentation. The war in Ukraine has shown in practice the importance of new and rapidly deployable innovations.”
Jussi Mälkiä, CEO, Meriaura Group:
“In the current tense political world situation, energy is playing an increasingly important role, but there is a risk that promoting the green transition and increasing the use of renewable energy will be overshadowed by other developments. The merger of Meriaura Group and Summa Defence supports the development and self-sufficiency of Finnish technological expertise and responds to the need for security of supply and equipment, as well as the development of renewable energy. Our renewable energy companies that will remain in the new group will be able to grow and develop as part of Summa Defence’s security of supply strategy.”
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